Day 41: Wireframes.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Table of contents

I learned the right way to get started or approach a project is to think about what we are doing here, our goals, a structure, telling a story, and building a narrative by using psychological triggers to achieve said goals.

I also learned about the 4 P's framework: Picture, Promise, Proof, and Pitch when designing a website.


As a designer, what problem am I truly solving? The more I delve deeper into the challenge, the more I realize all I was doing was pushing pixels without a narrative, without cracking a need, and without data. I have the skill, but I lack experience. There are problems to tackle; I need to improve how I structure the content to align with the context. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle seem so scattered. I believe I will put them together nicely sooner rather than later.
